Our Flag has remained uncaptured for:

02 days 00 hours 00 minutes 00 seconds

The Rules of HeartSuite Capture the Flag

  • We are offering a reward of $1,000 for the first person to successfully "capture our flag".
  • You are provided root account credentials and permitted root access over SSH to our web server.
    • IP Address: (please note that the SSH port is 5792 instead of the default 22)
    • Root password: Daemons22.10
  • You must "capture our flag" by defacing our web page, located at /var/www/html/flag.html. By defacing, we mean you must a) delete the web page, b) delete the graphic file that it displays, which is located at /var/www/html/flag.jpg, or c) modify either of those files. You can view the page here: